Saturday 26 June 2010

Other things going on in the garden

As I said there is so much going on in the garden right now its getting kind of hard to keep up. Here is a little frog that we found when we were planting the (so far un named) Sunflower

Sunflower - Latest photos

Its planting time

Well, what with the summer break and everything else I have been up to, my garden is springing up all kinds of surprises at the moment, first up of course is progress on my Sunflower.

I am happy to say its coming on a treat, you will remember that previously I bought a ruler to measure how it was growing and guess what........... its so much bigger than the ruler now. So much so that I have decided to ask my Daddy to help me plant in the garden for real. I will show you all the photos of it in a second.

I am really excited and can't wait for it to produce the Sunflower. Still names for my Sunflower folks so come, get your thinking caps on.

I'm baaaack!!!

Hi Everyone, apologies for the break in updates but I have been enjoying the summer season. I have had a week at the beach in Devon, a few days up north with my Nana and Grandpa. I am feeling very rested and relaxed. I appreciate that you all may have been missing my regular updates so I am pleased to say normal service will now resume and I am literally burstung new stuff to tell you. First up is progress on my Sunflower.