Wednesday 19 May 2010

Good names for a flower

Can anyone think of a good name for a flower?

Job Done!

All done!

We've gone potty!!

At last today my Sunflower finally moved out into its big pot in the garden. As you know yesterday my Mummy saw that the little white roots were growing out of the bottom of the pot and my Daddy said that the weather would be getting better. Both of these facts meaning it was a great time to get my plant out to the new pot in the garden. So this afternoon my Daddy came to get me from school so we could complete our mission. He said he was happy to help. First things first, we needed to get some soil from the garden and put it in the new pot. Then we stirred the soil with our fingers to make sure it was nice and loose so the roots could grow. Roots are very important for plants and flowers, they soak up all the water and good stuff from the soil and that helps plants and flowers grow.

Next we had to get the sunflower out of its little pot. This had to be done very, very gently so as not to break or mess with any of the roots. I let my Dad help me with this part.

Next I made a new hole in the soil in the pot that was the same size as my flowers little pot and popped the flower into the hole. Then Daddy and I patted back down the soil around the bottom of the flower. The last job was my favourite one, getting to water the plant. I made sure that I did not give my flower too much water or not enough water. I was VERY careful. Daddy tied some little pieces of string around stem of the flower. The stem is the part between the roots and the leaves. The string is there to make sure if it is windy while my flower is still small it won't blow over.

Once it was all done it was time to tidy up. I let my Daddy help with that too!

Growing growing gone - to pot

Good morning everyone, I am happy to report that the weather is picking up. Its getting warmer and according to Daddy, it is now warm enough to put my sunflower out into the garden.

As you can see from the picture, because we have been watering it every day and keeping in warm and near the sunlight, it has now managed to grow to a whopping 19cm. My Mummy said she saw new roots coming from the bottom of its baby pot which means its now ready to go out to the big pot.

A bit like me really, Broadoak Nursery has been my little pot and now I am nearly ready to go out to my big pot which is the big school. My sunflower gets watered, I get to learn things.

Monday 17 May 2010

The Sun (flower) has got his hat on

Hip, hip hooray, the day is getting closer when I will be putting my sunflower out into its very own pot in the garden. As you will know from previous posts I have been collecting all the things I will need for looking after my sunflower. Well am I a lucky boy or what? My Aunty ( who has been over spoiling me for the last few weeks ) and my Mummy went shopping today and they both bought some brand new gardening tools. So I now have a brand new pot for my sunflower as well as a pair of bright blue gardening gloves of my very own. Now that the weather is getting better, it looks like this week will be the week when I get my sunflower out into the pot to really let it grow. I can't wait. Look at the pics to see all my new gear.

Friday 14 May 2010

Growing Growing Growing

Hi everyone, been having a busy couple of days my Nana and Aunty Chris have been visiting me so I have not had so much time to be keeping you all updated on things. This week has been really fun at school, I have been making lots of models and I hope to be able to show you some pictures of them soon.

In the meantime, I have put up a new picture of the latest size of my sunflower. As you can see its really really growing. My dad and I decided not to put it out in a big pot in the garden this week as it has been a bit too cold. Hopefully this weekend we will and I'll be sure to get some pictures up of me doing it (with a little bit of help from Daddy)

Sunday 9 May 2010

Its growing, its growing

Hey everyone, my sunflower is growing , its now nearly 7cms high. In a couple of days I think we might put it out in the big pot in the garden which is ready and waiting for it!

All the things I need

Here are all the things I need to make sure I am looking after my sunflower properly.

I've got all the things I need

Yesterday, my Daddy and I sorted all the things I needs for my sunflower project. First of all we need to measure the sunflower every day. For this I needed a ruler. I got a great ruler at ASDA, and at the same time talked Daddy into getting me my very first calculator (might come in handy at big school). As soon as I got home I got stuck into measuring things. As you can see from the picture. Next, we needed a pot for when my sunflower is big enough to go out side. I picked a nice metal one from Daddies collection at the back of the garden, can't wait for when the sunflower is big enough to go out into this pot. Next up was something to water my sunflower with. As luck would have it, I got a great watering can on my holiday last year and I am glad I have kept it. So now I have all the things I need to take good care of my sunflower. If you look on the right hand side of my page now you will see I have added a link where you can find out more about sunflowers, magic ! I'll put some pictures of all my things up in a minute

Friday 7 May 2010

Picture of my new sunflower

My new Sunflower

Hi Everyone, here is my new sunflower seed, I brought it home from school today so that I can look after it and watch it grow. In the next couple of days I will be putting it into a bigger pot so that in can grow really tall and I might then let Daddy plant it in the garden. I CAN'T WAIT to see it grow really big and tall.

My Sunflower project

The other day at school was really fun, now that spring is here, me and all my friends at school got to plant some seeds to watch how they grow.

I thought it would be fun to keep you all up to date how my seed is growing. Now my seed that I planted is a sunflower. Sunflowers are the best plant because they are really bright and look like the sun.

So what I am going to do is keep you all up to date with how my sunflower is growing and other stuff about sunflowers. You might still see pictures and posts about other things I am working on but I REALLY think you need to know about my sunflower, starting from today.

Today I brought my seed home from school along with the instructions. You can see me reading the instructions on what I have got to do.


Hi, my name is Finn and I am 4, I go to Broadoak nursery just now but will be going to big school after the summer holiday. I do lots of fun things at school every day, making models, reading stories painting pictures that kind of thing. It really is good fun and I like all my teachers and all my class mates.

I love it every day when my Mummy drops me off at school but what I really love the most is when my Mummy comes to pick me up.

Because I do a lot of cool things at school I thought it would be a great idea to let you all know what I am doing on a regular basis.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy school
