Wednesday 19 May 2010

We've gone potty!!

At last today my Sunflower finally moved out into its big pot in the garden. As you know yesterday my Mummy saw that the little white roots were growing out of the bottom of the pot and my Daddy said that the weather would be getting better. Both of these facts meaning it was a great time to get my plant out to the new pot in the garden. So this afternoon my Daddy came to get me from school so we could complete our mission. He said he was happy to help. First things first, we needed to get some soil from the garden and put it in the new pot. Then we stirred the soil with our fingers to make sure it was nice and loose so the roots could grow. Roots are very important for plants and flowers, they soak up all the water and good stuff from the soil and that helps plants and flowers grow.

Next we had to get the sunflower out of its little pot. This had to be done very, very gently so as not to break or mess with any of the roots. I let my Dad help me with this part.

Next I made a new hole in the soil in the pot that was the same size as my flowers little pot and popped the flower into the hole. Then Daddy and I patted back down the soil around the bottom of the flower. The last job was my favourite one, getting to water the plant. I made sure that I did not give my flower too much water or not enough water. I was VERY careful. Daddy tied some little pieces of string around stem of the flower. The stem is the part between the roots and the leaves. The string is there to make sure if it is windy while my flower is still small it won't blow over.

Once it was all done it was time to tidy up. I let my Daddy help with that too!

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